“The lectures, panels and reviews at Chico Hot Springs offered an inspiring week of sharing among like-minded photographers, collectively possessing wildly diverse and complex approaches to our medium. The atmosphere was relaxed yet invigorating, fostering a most generous and lively spirit among colleagues and participants. I would highly recommend it!”
“Incredible reviewers and reviewees in one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever had the chance to spend a couple of days. I don’t think there’s a better location for that kind of event, and Jesse and Lindsay’s passion and energy made it perfect. It was a privilege to discover so much good work in such a great environment.”
2019 Charcoal Publishing Prize Winner
Noah Thompson
2019 Merit Scholarship Winners
“If there’s such a thing as photography heaven, this is it. It was a real privilege to be among so many wonderful artists - and I mean both the reviewers and the attendees. And to spend time together not just in structured reviews, but in spirited conversations over meals or drinks, or hiking or exploring or enjoying the hot spring. The spirit of camaraderie was amazing; many new friendships were made and many old ones renewed and refreshed. And of course, the Paradise Valley is almost literally heaven. ”
Keynote Speakers
“I had an excellent time at Chico Hot Springs. The mountains, the clear night skies, the meals and lodge (with hot springs pool) were fabulous. The students were always engaged and brought in much strong work and the quality of discussions was very high. New friendships were forged. Everyone got a lot out of being at Chico.”
2019 Featured Reviewers
“Make no mistake, The Chico Review is not just another photo-retreat for the participants, it’s quite an intense and challenging experience and work, yet the hospitality of its hosts, mindfully thought out schedule, stimulating and intelligent topics for lectures and panel discussions makes it truly a joy.”
Selection Jury
“The variety of both presenters and reviewers for such an intimate setting really can’t be beat. Some of the best eyes in the world are there to help you take your project to the highest level it can go.”